Immediate Steps You Need To Take After Your House Burns Down

One of the most harrowing and most debilitating occurrences that can happen to your family is a house fire. As bad as it is though, it’s something that you need to move on to. The truth is that no one can help you but yourself in this situation so you need to stay strong. According to the National Fire Protection Association, more than a quarter of fires reported from 2014-2018 were house fires. That amounts to thousands of homes destroyed by fires during the five-year period. Eventually, the families were able to recover. Although they can never get their belongings back, the good part is that they moved forward. We can never be really sure of what happens next. As such, it’s much better to be prepared just in case you become the victim of a house fire. The key to recovering is to act fast once the accident happens. Here are some of the immediate steps you need to take once it happens.

Check Up On Everyone

Aside from the property damage, another thing you have to worry about is the health and well-being of your family. Any burns and injuries need to be treated ASAP because they can develop into serious infections which are of course, harder to treat. If you see that no one doesn’t have any apparent injuries at a glance, don’t rest easy just yet. Sometimes, the smoke that people inhale as they are escaping a house on fire results in could damage their respiratory without them knowing it. As such, it’s much better to get a check up done on everyone ASAP. If you have pets at home, then it is a must that you take them to the veterinarian immediately. They can’t tell you when something is up with them so it’s much better to get a licensed professional to check them out. Like us, their lungs could be in serious danger as well.

Notify Your Close Relatives

It’s very important that you notify your immediate family about the fire as well. For starters, you should let them know what the current condition everyone is in. Another reason why you should contact them is that they might have some help to offer to you as well. During such trying times, it’s much better to have other people by your side. You can get unexpected help from your immediate family so don’t be afraid to ask them for help. 

Contact Your Insurance Agent

Fires are very costly. Aside from losing all of your belongings in a fire, you also have to consider the fact that you need to get new stuff – including a new house that you and your family can stay in. It’s very important that you contact your insurance agent and start a claim that can address your immediate needs. Insurance gurus from says that you can get compensation depending on your insurance package. At the very least, you’ll be given funds that can cover your daily and living expenses. What’s great is that in some insurance packages, your agent can offer you help on securing your next property which is one of the most important  things you need to do. They can’t give you back your belongings but they can help you out during this trying time in your life.

Get Your Salvageable And Non-Salvageable Possessions

Depending on how large the fire is, there’s a chance that some of your belongings are still going to be around. Some of the items might even still be usable or at the very least salvageable so you don’t have to find replacements for them. If you have insurance on some of the items – like a car for example, you can get coverage as well. For non-salvageable items, it’s best not to throw them out immediately as well. If you have insurance, the homeowner’s policy can save you thousands of dollars. Basically, this is a replacement-cost policy which entitles you to get the cash value of your damaged items once your claim is approved. That being said, it pays to keep an inventory list of all your items. Make so that your insurance provider can see the date of purchase, as well as the cost of the item. This can make the claim easier to get.

Secure Your Property

Even if you’ve lost most of your belongings, keep in mind that your property still needs to be protected from trespassers and thieves. There may still be some valuables that you have to protect. The local fire department will do their best to protect your property from trespassers. However, you should still take things into your own hands by passing by your house as much as you can.

Address Your Bills

The one thing that most people forget about after getting out of a house fire is that their bills will still continue to come. Hard as it may seem, it is very important that you address your finances, loans, and utility bills after the fire. The last thing you’d want after getting out of a house fire is getting yourself under a mountain of debt.  If you’re really strapped for cash, you can turn to friends for help during this trying period in your life.

Comfort Each Other

A lot of people tend to forget or completely disregard their mental health once a house fire ravages their home. This is a very stressful event for anyone – especially for kids. As such, do your best to comfort each other during these trying times. When all is lost, you and your family at least have each other. Assure them that you can get through the challenge eventually. Things might seem tough now but once everything is sorted out, all will be back to normal. These are all of the things you need to do immediately after a house fire. Of course, it’s more important that you ensure that no fires won’t happen in the first place. Not only is it costly, it can completely ruin your life as is. Always stay safe by making sure that you are taking the right steps to avoid a house fire.

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